Saturday 21 July 2007


i read somewhere that in the 1960's and before, cricket grounds in england had 3 dressing rooms instead of the customary 2.....1 for the visitors, 1 for the "gentleman" i.e. englishmen of upper class pedigree and 1 for "commoners", because of course, men of good breeding should not mingle with ordinary filth. i'm not sure when, but at some stage in the last 30-40 years that practice was scrapped...

but at my workplace, segregation is still the norm. during my first few weeks, when i went to the dressing rooms to change into theatre blues, i would get these strange looks from the people inside. and then, when i went into the operating theatres, i would get even more strange looks. i finally figured it out one day when i noticed that on the door thru which i entered was the sign "ancillary staff". so i decided to try the next door and found myself in another change room. after i got changed i went to grab a theatre cap, but in this room, instead of ordinary white caps, there was a selection of three colours. and here it finally clicked for me. the yellow caps were for "medical students and visitors", blue for "medical staff" i.e. doctors and nurses, and white for "ancillary staff" i.e. porters, clerks and cleaners.....

this is quite incredible because this is the only hospital at which i've seen something like this. every other operating suite has 1 dressing room with blue and green caps (which are different sizes). quite incredible.....

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