Thursday 28 December 2006

graduation photos have arrived!!! and this time, blogspot let me upload....


flygirl said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Woo-hoo!!!! Hope you went out celebrating dude....

PS: Is that hair real??? it's pretty cool! Reminds me of when my little brother tried to grow an afro - he ended up with, shall we say, long wavy hair that sort of stuck out. Not very good. Mind you, did get him a few laughs and not just from me.

PPS: I will be in Sydney 8th-9th Jan for an interview and visit!

Mahesh said...

i assume u mean my brothers hair- ye its real, but he had to cut it to look decent for his summer internship....

so where in sydney will u be?? if u got free time we should meet up somewhere...

flygirl said...

hey mahesh, that would be great, i was going to ask for reccommendations for cafes around Central Station :-) I will be arriving there at 4.15pm from Canberra today (Monday 8th). So if you have time, i have about 45min-hour at least until my friends finish work, it would be nice to meet. Er, a more efficient contact would be email perhaps :-)

Mahesh said...
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