Monday 20 November 2006

At long last.....

At long last, I've finished my degree!!! Its been six long years, and finally, I can honestly say that I dont know when I have my next exam. Hopefully not for two or three years at least.....On the eve of the last exam, my friend commented that our lives have been dominated by exams for the last twelve years. I hadnt thought of it that way before, its an interesting observation. Of course, the first few years of high school hardly counts, but still, twelve years of exams.......

So you can imagine how relieved I was when marks were released on Friday afternoon. (they fast-track marking for final years..) The prospect of absolute freedom for 2 months...........

So how have I been using my freedom???

Well, I've just been reading books...literally just reading books. Its been so long since I just sat down and read a book continuously for hours. Probably not since high school, with a couple of exceptions, maybe. So I just got my hands on some books and started reading. In fact, my family's complaints about my insatiable reading hunger brought back memories from my high school, which would've been the last time I heard such complaints. In between books, I've also tried to start to exercising again- its proving to be rather difficult, I didnt realize how inertia I'd built up during the exams. Oh yes, the garden needs fixing as well (remember the roses).

Now that I have some time on my hands, I have to blog about all those ideas that came to my mind during the exam period. The problem is, when I have to study, all these (irrelevant, at that time) ideas pop into my head, and its often hard not to daydream and focus on studying. But now that all that's over, I seem to have forgotten what I was going to write about.....

Anyway, I'm sure it'll come to me...My apologies to all those who have been checking my blog over the last month or so, I hope I havent lost you. There should be regular posts from now on...


Unknown said...

haha omg i was reading that and i was like yup, yup, yup that's me alright. right down to the bit about checking to see if u'd updated your blog haha.

congrats, DOCTOR mahesh! hahaha :D

Mahesh said...

thanks buddy.........sure does feel good to have that doctor in front of my name