Friday, 26 May 2006
Seizures in Shiliguri
The first patient who comes to mind is a little boy, or to be exact, his mother. Just as i was beginning to see this child, something else came up that i had to sort out (for a previous patient), so one of the doctors offerred to see this boy. But the mother would have none of it. She insisted that they would wait for me: "aap hee dekh lijiye, hum theherte hein". They had come all the way from Shiliguri, in northern Bengal, to NIMHANS, Bangalore, for specialist treatment (obviously i wasnt the specialist, i was only the preliminary guy who saw the patients first). In the few minutes that i did have with them, i asked a few questions about Shiliguri, it being a place that i wanted to go to (only as a transit to Sikkim, but still...). And for this little bit of curiosity, that lady was willing to wait an unknown amount of time, to have her son seen by me. I felt touched by this episode. I hadnt really done anything for them, but they wanted to wait for me.....I often think about that kid; how's he doing; is he still alive (he was quite sick with very severe epilepsy...).
The next patients that come to mind are these two kids who had a condition called SSPE, which occurs in kids who have had (and recovered) from measles. It is the most devastating diagnosis to have to give to parents. SSPE causes a slow, inexorable mental deterioration that always lead to death within a few years. First, these kids start having random jerks which make them fall over. Eventually, they get more of these uncontrolled movements as well loss of mental function until there is nothing but a shell left. The first of the kids that i saw with SSPE was end stage. He had the barest minimum of brain function; his father and brother had taken him to all kinds of doctors and finally decided to come to NIMHANS after being told the same thing by everyone else. When asked what they wanted, the brother simply said "treatment". The father was in tears....The second kid was an only child in a poor family. He was extremely bright- he'd been awarded various scholarships to top schools in Bengal. But a few months ago, he began to jerk and lose his 'intelligence'. Desperately, the family came to Bangalore, only to be told the diagnosis of SSPE. I have never seen a person as devastated as tha
Monday, 22 May 2006
Day 1 in emergency
For those of you whose only exposure to the world of medicine apart from asking your local gp to fill out a sick leave form is from watching er, gideon's crossing, house, grey's anatomy and god forbid, scrubs, you will be interested to know that i DID NOT "bag" or "tube" anyone, crack open a chest, put in an umbilical line or do any of the things that ur average tv doctor does in the course of an average shift. Here's what really happens in an ed:
1. we see the end results of human stupidity- the moron award for the day has to go to one of the following-
- the woman who snorted cocaine and came in with a seizure- very, very lucky not to have a brain haemorrhage, heart attack or other nasty things.
- the woman who managed to stick a fishbone into her thumb, press it in deeper by trying to extract it with a needle, yes a sewing needle, went to the gp after 3 weeks, and then got referred to us coz her thumb was "infected".
- the genleman who grinds metal for a living, feels some irritation in his eye, and waits till the iron filing in his eye had RUSTED before he figured he needed to see a doctor.
2. we see the real impact of the obesity epidemic- no! there's no exclamation marks around obesity to imply that there some doubt about it, nor is it preceded by a "supposed" or "so-called". its real and we see it, or hear it, or not hear it to be exact. stethoscopes were designed in the 19th century before the obesity epidemic- hence they cannot cope with 10-15 cm of fat between the heart/lungs and the sound-conducting membrane.
3. of course, there's plenty of "real" medicine as well- the heart attacks, strokes, pneumonias, gallstones etc.
4. there was also the unfortunate old lady who fell over on the pavement and fractured the orbit ( thats the bony socket in the skull in which the eyeball sits). she forgot her son's phone number and got really worried as to how she was going to get home....these are the people who you really feel sorry for. a small crack in the footpath, most of us think nothing of it- but to old people, especially frail little old ladies, it is a big deal.
so there u go, my first day in emergency!!
Saturday, 20 May 2006
Secularism in India
The Christian and Muslim groups claim that this legislation would be discriminating against them and impinge on their rights (to forcibly convert people). This protest is understandable, since these groups have enjoyed these rights for centuries. Converting people through brute force, money, extravagant promises and intimidation is nothing new to India. But what this incident highlights as far as I am concerned is the deep-seated negationism that pervades mainstream India. Everyone knows what happens in rural India, yet people choose to ignore it in the name of secularism. This immaturity arising from the desire to be a secular state has led to this particular incident in Rajasthan. The insipid mainstream-Hindu BJP party has attempted to raise the issue of forced conversion (which effects only the Hindu population- no one would dare try to convert a Christian or a Muslim, thats a violation of the rights of minorities) through the legislative assembly, but has once again failed to achieve anything but negative publicity both in India and internationally. In the world media, this incident has been portrayed as a Hindu fundamentalist (drawing comparison to Islamic fundamentalists in the middle east and neo-nazis/christian fundamentalists in europe and america) government abusing the rights of religious minorities (that the bill was designed to discourage forced conversions is soon forgotten).
The official view is that forced conversion does not occur, and has never occurred. Of course, support for this view from influential institutions like the JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and the Congress party helps. What helps even more is the ineptitude of those not under the spell of negationism in not being able to properly present the issue on a national or international stage. As such, books like Romila Thapar's Penguin History of India, are what is presented to the international community as "Indian History" with their denial of all unpalatable aspects of the Islamic and Christian invasions of India. Conversion is only one of the things amongst mass slaughter, pillaging, sex slavery and grossly discriminatory laws that is denied in this book and others (Communalism and the Writing of indian History by Thapar, Harbans Mukhia and Bipin Chandra). This latter book actually claims that these accusations were made by "Hindu fundamentalists" in the 20th century to create communal disharmony. For the Congress party's contribution, we need look no further than this statement by the National Council of Educational Research and Training: "Characterization of the medieval period as a time of conflict between Hindus and Muslims is forbidden." This was the committee that had the responsibility to guide the schools of India in setting their curriculums. Negation of history was given its official seal of approval.
Friday, 19 May 2006
Deep ravines, rocky outcrops and mustard fields
I had always thought that MP was a nondescript desert, a poor cousin of Rajasthan. The Deccan plateau is already largely dry, semi-arid country with areas of rocky desert. So i thought it would be little different on the northern side of the Vindhya ranges. But i was completely wrong. On the way north, i woke up to find the train crossing the Vindhyas, and what a sight it was!!
The train was speeding through hilly country- the sun had yet risen but the sky was blushing orange in anticipation. The fog swirled down from the hilltops into the deep ravines. The rain gods had been generous during the monsoon, even though the lifegiving deluge was delayed by a month or so, hence the creeks and rivulets were overflowing with water. The forests of the Vindhyas contained only a loose sprinkling of trees with an abundance of grass, wildflowers and low bushes.
The train rattled over countless small bridges- the depth of the gorges is incredible. The railways tracks built through this sort of terrain are quite an achievement I think, architecturally and aesthetically. There are also several tunnels in the Vindhya segment, which always mean lots of fun on Indian trains; the lights often dont work, you might be in the tiolet, the kids are screaming.
As the train screamed north, it slowed down...The terrain also flattened out, but not completely. We entered some sort of a transition zone- there was enough flat land for agriculture, so there small fileds whereever there was space, with little dwellings scattered in the hills.There was the odd train station now- these stations hardly deserved to be called that actually. There is no platform or station building (except for a little shack which i presume is for the stationmaster). Just a signpost nailed into the earth with a name on it. I wondered what purpose the stationmaster served. He simply stood there holding his green flag. There was no one else to seen within kilometres. He would just live in that little shack and hold out flags to all the trains that pass by....
By the time we got to the plateau of MP, it was nearing sunrise. As beautiful as the forests were, there something uniquely charming about the plateau. MP is the mustard growing capital of India- the plateau is full of lush green mustard fields studded with bright yellow flowers. There are also rice, wheat and vegetable fields, but the distinct sparkling green of the mustard really stands out.
The land is relatively flat but still undulating with some small hills and the occasional rocky outcrop. These areas, which are agriculturally useless, are crammed with houses. The miniature peaks all appear to be bursting at the seams with residences, i suppose the farmers dont want to waste precious arable land for housing. It was over one of these villages situated on a massive chunk of rock that sunrise happened. There was just enough fog and winter haze in the air that sunrise was seen clearly- not too bright like on a clear morning and not too dull like on an overcast day.
The sunrise had an enlivening effect on the other passengers; people became extremely chatty and active once the sun began its ascent. I spent the morning reading 'Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance', intermittently gazing out at the idyllic landscape of rural MP. As we went further north, the population became denser and the agriculture more intensive, the villages and townships larger and the train stations looked more like 'normal' stations. The tibetan refugees sitting in my section of the train began chanting their prayers with their japamalas. The kids started to laugh and play. The group of young tamil boys headed for work in a Haridwar factory started their game of cards, taking over where they left off the previous day. In short, the train woke up!!
Ganga Dhyan Part 5- Why the Ganga flows from Shiva's matted locks

Ganga Dhyan Part 4- A walk to remember

Once a week the Ashram invites all the local sadhus for bhiksha. Food is cooked in huge vats and brought out into the morning sun. The vast space between the Shiva temple and the main hall is where all the sadhus are seated. It is a very interesting to just sit by the side and watch the great wave of saffron stream in. That morning, there were about 80 sannyasis who came. Walking around Rishikesh you will see the odd ochre-robed man sitting, meditating, chanting, praying etc. But to see so many of them in the one place is a special sight.
After the sadhus have eaten, it is everyone else's turn. So off we went to the dining hall- it seats lots of people but probably not sufficient for the sadhus if there is a large turnout. At breakfast and dinner, i tended to eat really fast for two reasons- firstly the food gets cold and secondly i get cold. So its more difficult to enjoy the meal. Lunch is much more enjoyable because you can sit and eat slowly, the way food is meant to be eaten.
I had about an hour of spare time before the bus left for Haridwar, so i had a quick nap. Afterwards, as i walked out of my room, i noticed that it was really silent, with only the background roar of the
Believe it or not, it actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I had the whole afternoon and evening free, so i decided to head back to Lakshman Jhula to attempt to walk to the
Forty-five minutes after setting off on foot, i noted that all the people travelling towards the temple were hiring jeeps and cars. The only people on foot were those returning. I figured people were just lazy, but just in case i thought i'd better enquire whether i was on the right path. So i asked the next person i encountered coming from the opposite direction. As it turned out, it was two local Uttaranchalis, in their dhotis and turbans. I asked whether this was the right road and how far this temple was. Here's how it went:
Local: its about 25 or 30 km
Me: [speechless in disbelief]
Local: are you walking [to the temple]
Me: .......yes
Local: oh, thats a very good thing- you get much more punyam that way. go on, walk
Me: errrrr...thanks.
So once again, my plans once again were quashed. But i continued on the road for another five or so minutes because the scenery was so beautiful. The
The road to Neelakantha Mahadev is carved into the mountainside alsmost directly above the
Ganga Dhyan Part 3- A Himalayan Sunrise

The beauty of the
On the second morning of my stay, I woke up at 6.30am. Now that may be considered early by some, but at the Ashram, the day begins at 5.15am with morning prayers and pooja at the Shiva temple. So of course, I missed that. But I thought, instead of sleeping the extra half-hour till breakfast, why not go down to the
But as I walked towards the bank, all thought of the cold was forgotten and replaced by the surreal beauty of the
Suddenly, I realized, being a good tourist, that I was missing a great photo opportunity. So I ran back to my room, picked up my camera and ran back, this time with shoes, to take some photos (I will upload them eventually). By then, it was breakfast time, so off I went to eat. I had a chat with Ashok, who suggested I join with the group from
Because, the the shortening of the shadows and anticipate sunrise. The sky becomes blue, the air clear (clearer, the haze never dissipates in the winter), the fog thins until it disappears, the temperature rises (a little), and the
As the sun ascends, the temperature follows, albeit reluctantly. Nonetheless, this is enough to draw people out of their cosy rooms and to the banks of the
Thursday, 18 May 2006
Ganga Dhyan Part 2- Lakshman Jhula

After washing myself in cold water (i couldnt get the geyser to work), i slept for a few hours. The amount of dirt collected during a train journey is incredible. I was feeling so dirty and grimy that i didnt care about the cold water. The lunchtime bell woke me from my morning nap. The ashram serves lunch at noon, dinner and breakfast at seven, pm and am respectively. The food is fantastic- its light but filling, tasty but everything in moderation, salt, spices etc. All the meals begin with a chanting of the purushottama yoga, chapter fifteen, Bhagavad Gita. Beans, lentils and green leafy vegetables are a mainstay of the cooking, with rice and wheat alternating as the staple food.
After a delicious meal, my first in two days, i met Ashok, one of the people involved in running the ashram, who helped and guided me during my stay. So after a short talk with Ashok, i decided to check out Rishikesh and then head to the Lakshman Jhula (Lakshman's swing). It is a steel suspension brigde which stands at the location where Lakshamana crossed the
We passed the Ram Jhula, kind of like the Lakshman Jhula, but for Rama, which for some strange reason is not as popular as the Lakshman Jhula. It is also called the Shivanand Jhula as the Shivananda Ashram is just opposite the bridge. The road winds around for another kilometre or so before finally coming to the Lakshman Jhula. Actually the road is on a ridge-like structure overlooking the site of the bridge. From the setdown point, it is a ten minute walk down to the Jhula. On the way, predictably, there are lots of shops selling all sorts of things- mainly handicrafts, jewellery, woollen clothes and food. There is also the odd internet cafe with a few foreign tourists busily typing up their blogs or whatever else they do.
On the way down, there is a larger-than-life statue of Lakshmana, standing their with his crown of matted locks and bow in hand. I wanted to take a photo of Lakshmana, but i never managed to do it, i dont know why....A little further, there is a shrine dedicated to Lakshmana, which is sort of wierd, its not a temple, its not a what is it, exactly?? I never understood.
Anyway, after waltzing down some steep steps, I finally came to the Lakshman Jhula. It is a surprisingly solid construction, that appears to my amateur eyes to be made entirely of stainless steel. It is disappointingly narrow- what with idiots riding their motorbikes and scooters on it and the odd cow, there is hardly enough room to walk comfortably across. But the views of the
There are lots of shops on this bank as well- i picked up a few trinkets and just walked around the narrow alleys to get a glimpse of life at the foot of the
Wednesday, 17 May 2006
Ganga Dhyan Part 1- Arrival in Rishikesh

As the tempo wound through the streets of Haridwar and out onto the highway, two things struck me. First, the bitter cold- apparently, the cold snap that blitzed north
So after the relief provided by the signpost, i sat and breathed easy. Not that easy mind you- there were eight people plus luggage (ie my backpack, a stack of blankets this guy was probably going to sell, some suitcases etc) in a tempo meant to seat maybe six smallish people. As we left the town limits, the scenery became even more beautiful. Somewhere in the middle of a forest, we came upon a train track- in fact, i noted that it was the very same Dehra Dun Express that i had travelled on. The Delhi-Dehra Dun line is notorious for its delays- this is in the framework of a train system that is generally behind schedule i.e. it takes a lot to gain notoreity for being late in trip because some sections were absolutely amazing).
So anyway, i finally reached Rishikesh, which is where i planned to stay. By this time, i had had several glimpses of the immortal
I keep getting sidetracked- in rishikesh, i stayed at the swami dayananda ashram, called "arsha vidya peetam". It is a beautiful construction that melds into rishikesh almost unnoticed- if u see some of the monstrosities that have sprung up on the banks of the
Paging all doctors: we have an emergency
This scenario once again clearly demonstrates two of India's major social problems. Firstly, there is the passing of ridiculous bills which are purely for vote-buying purposes with scant regard for the damage done to soceity. And the second problem, rather ominously for a country that prides itself on being the world's largest democracy and on having the world's longest running elected communist government (not everyone is proud of this and the word "elected" is used quite loosely here), is the unlawful crackdown on any legitimate protest when it is against the wishes of certain politicians.
The medical students were protesting against a bill which proposed to increase reservations for backward-caste students in government medical schools from 23% to 50%. The reasons for the protest, well simple; its UNFAIR. Reservations ensure that certain students, with the most minimal of effort, can walk in to a seat at a medical school, whilst other students, despite years of hard work and good marks, struggle immensely and end up being forced to opt for lower demand courses they dont really want to do. This has been an enduring problem in India going back to the Nehru era. Nehru and co. initially introduced the reaservation system to enable some of the oppressed peoples of India to educate and uplift themselves. This was supposed to be a temporary initiative lasting for a couple of years at most. But soon it was realized that reservations were an excellent way of buying votes. So, the Congress leadership continued and expanded the reservation system, ensuring a legacy of mediocrity, continuing caste discrimination and the phenomenon of brain-drain.
The problem with the reservation system is that its only function now is to buy votes. The people who benefit from it are low-caste people who are well off (low-caste does NOT equal poor) and people who lie about their caste. The majority of backward-caste people are extremely poor and can barely afford to send their kids to primary school, let alone high school and then college. Most of these kids start working with their parents at a young age, often less than ten. The reservations have no meaning for them- they toil for day-wages like their parents. These are the people that reservations supposedly help. But the reality is otherwise. If any Indian government was serious about upliftment of the downtrodden, they would begin by developing an education system which provided free schooling for poor kids and enable them to compete on an even playing field. That way, everyone is given a chance, and the best students are rewarded duly.
Nearly sixty years of undeserving students getting a free university education has entangled India in a web of mediocrity. What you put in is what you get out. Government departments especially (as these also have reservations) are crippled by ineffeciencies that are a legacy of the reservation system. Meanwhile, the best, most talented graduates go abroad where there abilities are recognized and remunerated appropriately. The best Indian doctors work in the hospitals and clinics of London, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney and Toronto, not Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai. The same goes for engineers, scientists, accountants and just about every other type of professional.
"Forward-caste" doctors often have difficulty in finding specialty training positions at government institutions within India because these positions are unofficially reserved for "backward-caste" doctors. In the private sector, one generally requires inside contacts to get anything accomplished in India. The discrimination faced in Western countries by Indian doctors is miniscule compared to what many can face within India. So its little wonder that we find a disproportionate number of Indian doctors in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia.
So with good reason, the medical students of India rose up in protest against further reservations, and hence further dilution of the talent reservoir in the Indian health system. (while the brain-drain in the IT industry has been reversing somewhat with the emergence of Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad as challengers to Silicon Valley, the exodus of doctors from India continues restricted only by stricter immigration laws in the West) This was a peaceful protest aimed at raising awareness and creating debate in the community regarding an issue that effects all Indians. Yet the Police were ordered to violently crush the protest by using tear gas, water cannons and of course, the age old lathi charge. Silencing the voices of protest is nothing new to India- it is a legacy of the British Empire which frequently imprisoned prominent Indian leaders for expressing "dissent" and "sedition". The British tradition has been proudly carried onward into independant India by the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty (it is probably unfair of me to single out Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi because I'm certain that any Indian government would have resorted to similar actions) and found its ultimate expression in Indira Gandhi's Emergency.
Fortunately, the Police brutality sparked the wider medical community to react. Junior doctors joined in to the chorus of protest and supported by the IMA, senior consultants and entire hospitals jumped on the bandwagon. Together, they called for a strike and their voices are now being heard as one across the country. Of course, this does not mean that the Government will change its mind, but I am just happy that the opinions of those medical students who first raised their voices did not go unheard and instead, found support in the form of the IMA-backed strike. I am writing in this to express solidarity with my fellow students and doctors in India, and to echo their protest against the twin evils of discrimination and oppression....
Tuesday, 16 May 2006
if i can be bothered, i will bring some of the better posts from my msn blog over here